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Call to Action: join the CSAOHN team!

Posted 10 months ago in Action requested

We are still seeking some CSAOHN members to join the Board of Directors and fill a couple of support roles. 

CSAOHN Mission Statement: To promote the specialty practice of Occupational Health Nursing in California, maintain its professional integrity and enhance its professional status.

We need candidates for the following:

  • Treasurer: this role takes an average of 1-3 hours of time monthly, checking financial statements, arranging for external audits and tax submission, distributing chapter payments, and a few other things. It is a great way to help CSAOHN support our mission. This is a special election for 2024, because our existing Treasurer needs to step away from board duties, but would like to be able to provide a good handoff to the next CSAOHN caretaker- Fely is a great teacher we (both CSAOHN and Fely) really need someone to step up for this postion. 
  • Nominations Committee member: Help CSAOHN recruit members for our annual elections. If you are a long statnding member this is a great way to leverage those relationships you have built over the years and to reconnect with members. If you are a newer member this is a wonderful and meaningful way to meet other CSAOHN member and build some new connections. This is a two person committe (one person elected each year, so you are always paired with someone with experience). This role takes a fewl hours a month but only for a few months of the year, the work comes in the recruiting phase over the summer and early fall. 
  • Government affairs: this role has typically been handed to the past-president, but we'd like to open it up to the full membership. The role involves watching for state and federal legislation, watching for announcemnts and initiatives from related groups (Cal/OSHA, ANA, AANP, CANP, WOEMA, ACOEM, etc.) and alerting the CSAOHN board and/or members so that we have awareness and can take action if indicated (suggest legislation proposal revisions, write letters of support, etc.). This is a role where you get out what you put in and is really an opportunity to drive CSAOHN's engagement with and relevance to our members. 
  • And, while we have at least one candidtate for both President-elect and for Secretary if you are interested in either of these roles please connect with our nominations committee. We'll be happy to have you throw your hat in the ring!

***Contact the CSAOHN nominations committee with questions or interest in seeking one of the above postions***

Kathy Coiner ( and

Yolee Casagrande (